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Take me there!Data fields requiring description are detailed below.
INSPECTION ID: This is the unique identifier of the inspection. DOE inspection records are prefixed with “DOEINS.” CDPH inspections are numeric.
INSPECTION NAME: This is the name of the site that was inspected. This is usually the company/owner name, address, or building name.
MAPPED LOCATION: Contains the latitude/longitude coordinates of the facility. The latitude/longitude coordinate is determined through the Chicago Open Data Portal’s geocoding process.
INSPECTOR: Contains the name of the inspector or engineer who conducted the inspection.
INSPECTION CATEGORY: Describes the type of inspection performed. Generally, inspection types can be organized into the following categories:
“COMPLAINT RESPONSE” Inspections conducted in response to citizen complaints. See CDPH Environmental Complaints dataset for type of environmental complaints.
“SOLID WASTE INSPECTIONS” Inspections of permitted waste facilities and inspections conducted as part of a delegation agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. These inspections include inspections of solid and liquid waste handling facilities, recycling facilities, junkyards, compost facilities, temporary and permanent rock crushing facilities and illegal dump sites.
“AIR QUALITY INSPECTION”: Inspections of all permitted industrial facilities with potential to emit pollutants into the air, including area sources such as dry cleaners, motor vehicle repair facilities and architectural surface cleaning.
“HAZMATS” Inspections conducted in response to a hazardous material incident and typically conducted with the Fire Department’s HAZMAT units. Also includes inspection audits of facilities subject to Tier II reporting under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) .
“NOISE” Inspections conducted in response to noise-related complaints.
“TANK INSPECTIONS” Underground Storage Tank (UST) inspections conducted in conjunction with a UST permit and as part of a delegation agreement with the Illinois Office of the State of Fire Marshall (OSFM).These inspections include including UST Removal, UST Abandon, UST Install, UST Upgrade, UST Reline, UST Repair, Stage II and UST Green Decal. This Inspection Type also includes non-OSFM inspections for Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) permits, Abandoned Gas Stations, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST), UST Emergency Response, historic Filling Station Licenses, and miscellaneous tank inspections.
“DEMOLITION/ASBESTOS” Inspections associated with Demolition or NESHAP Notice of Intents (NOIs). See Chapter 11-4 Article XVIII (see
“MISC INSPECTIONS” Other inspections including but not limited Water Pollution, Site Assessment, historic Bus Facility and historic Invasive Species inspections per Chapter 11-4 Article XXII (see of the Municipal Code.
INSPECTION SUB CATEGORY: More specific inspection type under an Inspection Category.
INSPECTION DATE: Date when inspection occurred.
NARRATIVE: Contains the inspector’s narrative log of the inspection.
DATA SOURCE: The city department that collected the data.
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Current value: 0 out of 5
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- Visits
- 22619
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- 101048
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- 0
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- 0
- Category
- Environment & Sustainable Development
- Permissions
- Public
- Tags
- environmental inspections
- Row Label
- SODA2 Only
- Yes
- Data Provided By
- Chicago Department of Public Health
- Source Link
- Data Owner
- Chicago Department of Public Health
- Time Period
- 1993 to present
- Frequency
- Updated Once a week