NOT CURRENT DATA - This dataset contains
past records from the
Public Chauffeurs dataset. It is intended for historical reference, not current licensing information. It follows the format of the Public Chauffeurs dataset, with the addition of two additional columns at the end.
The Last Valid Date column indicates the most recent timestamp when that set of values appeared in the Public Chauffeurs dataset. It indicates when that version of the license record stopped being valid (was replaced by an updated version), not when it started being valid (replaced a previous version or was created for a newly added license). Due to various technical limitations, the Last Valid Date may be artificially late and intervening versions not shown are possible.
The Record Version ID is a unique identifier that has no meaning beyond distinguishing different versions of the same license.
Please read the article linked below for more information.
Due to a change in source systems, many licenses will appear to have changed on 11/21/2018, even if no actual change to the license took place. Some records between 11/19/2018 and 11/21/2018 may be unreliable and should be used with caution. The Expires column was added with the move to the new source system so will not appear in earlier records.