This dataset reflects the daily volume of violations created by the City of Chicago Red Light Program for each camera. The data reflects violations that occurred from July 1, 2014 until present, minus the most recent 14 days. This data may change due to occasional time lags between the capturing of a potential violation and the processing and determination of a violation. The most recent 14 days are not shown due to revised data being submitted to the City of Chicago during this period. The reported violations are those that have been collected by the camera system and reviewed by two separate City contractors. In some instances, due to the inability the registered owner of the offending vehicle, the violation may not be issued as a citation. However, this dataset contains all violations regardless of whether a citation was actually issued, which provides an accurate view into the Red Light Program. Because of occasional time lags between the capturing of a potential violation and the processing and determination of a violation, as well as the occasional revision of the determination of a violation, this data may change. More information on the Red Light Program can be found here: The corresponding dataset for speed camera violations is