Welcome to the official source for Employee Payroll Costing data for the City of Chicago. This dataset offers a clean, comprehensive view of the City's payroll information by employee.
About the Dataset:
This has been extracted from the City of Chicago's Financial Management and Purchasing System (FMPS).
FMPS is the system used to process all financial transactions made by the City of Chicago, ensuring accuracy and transparency in fiscal operations.
This dataset includes useful details like employee name, pay element, pay period, fund, appropriation, department, and job title.
Data Disclaimer:
The following data disclaimer governs your use of the dataset extracted from the Payroll Costing module of the City of Chicago's Financial Management and Purchasing System (FMPS) or (FMPS Payroll Costing).
Point-in-Time Extract:
The dataset provided herein, represents a point-in-time extract from the FMPS Payroll Costing module and may not reflect real-time or up-to-date data.
Financial Statement Disclaimer – Timeframe and Limitations:
This dataset is provided without audit. It is essential to note that this dataset is not a component of the City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). As such, it remains preliminary and is subject to the end-of-year reconciliation process inherent to the City's annual financial procedures outlined in the ACFR.
Note on Pay Elements:
All pay elements available in the FMPS Payroll Costing module have been included in this dataset.
Previously published datasets, such as "Employee Overtime and Supplemental Earnings," contained only a subset of these pay elements.
Payroll Period:
The dataset's timeframe is organized into 24 payroll periods. It is important to understand that these periods may or may not directly correspond to specific earnings periods.
Aggregating Data:
The CIty of Chicago often has employees with the same name (including middle initials). It is vital to use the unique employee identifier code (EMPLOYEE DATASET ID) when aggregating at the employee level to avoid duplication.
Data Subject to Change:
This dataset is subject to updates and modifications due to the course of business, including activities such as canceling, adjusting, and reissuing checks.