New Building Permit Data - 5/1/2024
There are a few changes to the Building Permits dataset.
1) We have added new columns:
- PIN_LIST -- This column replaces the PIN1 through PIN10 columns. Those columns will be removed from the dataset on or shortly after 6/1/2024.
Please see the column descriptions at the dataset overview page under the "Columns in this Dataset" section.
2) We have removed the SUFFIX column and appended its value (e.g., AVE or ST) to the end of the STREET_NAME column.
3) We have added the EXPRESS PERMIT PROGRAM permit type.
For any questions, please use the Contact Dataset Owner option in the dataset or the Feedback link on any page.
Date Published: 5/1/2024
Date Last Edited: 5/1/2024
Related dataset ID(s): ydr8-5enu