
This metric tracks the number of young people enrolled in youth services per month. DFSS is committed to creating a premier out-of-school time system that provides young people the opportunity to participate in high-quality, safe, and structured programs. DFSS funds over 200 Out-of-School Time (OST) programs that serve youth between the ages of 6 to 18 years across the city of Chicago in five types of programs: Academic/Vocational Support and Enrichment; Science, Computer, and Technology; Arts and Culture; Sports, Fitness, Health, and Nutrition; and Innovative. Missing: These graphs do not include additional OST programs supported by other city agencies such as the Chicago Park District, Chicago Public Schools, the Chicago Housing Authority, etc. • Academic/Vocational Support and Enrichment - academic support, remedial education services, tutoring, literacy, and reconnecting youth with other educational opportunities • Science, Computer, and Technology - skills building focused on computer programming, software, and technology • Arts and Culture - promoting excellence in the arts through access, awareness and opportunities for creative expression, increased cultural awareness, and demonstrative skills concluding with an event, play or exhibit • Sports, Fitness, Health, and Nutrition - opportunities for physical activities and education that supports healthy choices and a positive lifestyle • Innovative – opportunities for youth ages 13 to 15 and 16 to 18 that provide customized projects supporting skills building in areas such as civic engagement, entrepreneurship, workforce development, and post-secondary education to prepare youth for the job market and life-long learning
Administration & Finance
performance metrics, service delivery, human services
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
City of Chicago
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  • 500x425

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  • 950x808

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Academic / Vocational Support and Enrichment
Arts and Culture
Health and Nutrition
Science, Computer and Technology
Sports Recreation and Fitness

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